The eukaryote that has a similar mode of nutrition to that of the white blood cells is AMOEBA.
Amoeba feed on microscopic organisms. When amoeba encounter a food particle, it extends its pseudopodia around the food particle and ingest it. The food particle which is now in the food vacuole of amoeba is broken down and digested by mean of digesting enzymes secreted by the organism.
<span>The answer is to control the crossing of the traits.
The idea of preventing plants from self-pollinating is to control the crossing of the traits. If plants were self-pollinating, he could not know if the traits are inherited from the same plant or from the other. By preventing this, he could cross parents with known phenotype and that way learn about crossing process and inheriting process.</span>
Interactions may be commensalism, mutualism, or parasitism.
Ancestors can be described as the persons from which a particular human being originated. In a broader perspective, it is referred to family history of a person. Scientists believe that all organisms on Earth originated from a common ancestor which were the prokaryotes. The prokaryotes with time gave rise to the eukaryotes. Common descent is the phenomenon in which organisms having common ancestors are referred.
15 chromosomes
The endosperm is formed through double fertilization where one male gamete nucleus with polar nuclei to form a triploid nucleus called the primary endosperm. The endosperm therefore will contain 15 chromosomes since the polar nuclei is diploid and the male gamete is haploid forming a triploid nucleus.