La cromatina
La cromatina es una sustancia dentro de un cromosoma que consta de ADN y proteína. El ADN lleva las instrucciones genéticas de la célula. Las principales proteínas de la cromatina son las histonas, que ayudan a empaquetar el ADN en una forma compacta que encaja en el núcleo celular.
La cromatina es un complejo altamente organizado de ADN y proteínas y es un componente principal del núcleo celular. Las proteínas histonas ayudan a organizar el ADN en unidades estructurales llamadas nucleosomas, que luego se ensamblan en una estructura compacta (cromatina) y, finalmente, en estructuras muy grandes de orden superior (cromosomas).
All the puppies have black hair because albino alleles are found in two different genes.
If we let the letters A and B represent the two different pigmentation genes, the one of the dogs is AAbb, and the other is aaBB.
Their offspring are AaBb and so there are not albinos because they have one dominant copy of each gene.
A pandemic is an epidemic disease extended across wide regions, thereby affecting many countries and even continents, while endemic diseases affect the people from only one country or a specific region. Human Immune Deficiency (HIV) is an RNA virus whose life cycle is composed of the following stages: 1) binding to the cell host and membrane fusion, 2) subsequent reverse transcription into DNA and integration into genome host 3) proliferation (i.e., successive replication cycles) by using the cellular machinery of the host 4) new assembly and budding of the virus. The acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) occurs when the host immune system is seriously damaged by the HIV infection, this being the latest stage of infection. It is known that HIV/AIDS is more prevalent in the female population, while according to ethnic groups, it is more prevalent in African-American and Hispanic/Latino populations in the USA. The life expectancy in HIV-infected patients has notably improved in the last years and, currently, people with this disease can expect to live over 70 years or even more.