Answer: Option II. inhibited by adenylylation.
Option III. activated by uridylylation of the PII subunit of adenylyltransferase.
Glutamine syntherase is an enzyme that is found in the mitochondria. Glutamine syntherase acts as a catalyst in the reaction that produces glutamine from glutamate and ammonia.
This submarine Mid-Atlantic Ridge owes its formation to the movement of the continental plates on either side of the ocean. As these plates slowly separate, they leave gaps in the earth's crust. This allows molten rock from beneath the earth's crust to reach the surface, forming a new part of the ocean floor
Options: A. contralateral
B. ipsilateral
C. both
Answer:B. ipsilateral
Explanation:The ciliospinal reflex which is also known bas pupillary-skin reflex is usually made uo of the dilation of the ipsilateral pupil this dilation is in response to pain applied to the neck, face, and upper trunk.
If you stimulate the left side of the subject, the response will be only in the ipsilateral which means the stimulation will be felt in the same side of the subject which in this case is the Left side if the subject.
because it is also created from the father not only one of them