A thermometer (thermos: hot; metron: measure) is the universal instrument used to measure temperature.
A clinical Thermometer is meant for clinical purposes. It is developed for measuring the human body temperature.
A laboratory thermometer, which is colloquially known as the lab thermometer, is used for measuring temperatures other than the human body temperature.
Similarities between Clinical Thermometer and a laboratory thermometer
Both are made of glass and consist of a long narrow glass tube.
At one end, both of them have a bulb.
Bulbs of both the thermometers consist of mercury
Celsius scale is present in both the thermometer
<span>The food chain describes who eats whom in the wild. Every living thing—from one-celled algae to giant blue whales—needs food to survive. Each food chain is a possible pathway that energy and nutrients can follow through the ecosystem.</span>
They are eukaryotic cells, they present the three main parts: cell or cytoplasmic membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus defined with chromosomes and nucleolus. The three types of cells have in common the following structures: cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus defined with chromosomes and nucleolus, mitochondria, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, Golgi apparatus, cytoskeleton and peroxisomes. But it differs in some. The plant cell has chloroplasts and a cell wall and the animal cell does not.
The animal cell has centrioles, lysosomes. It has no plastids, no cell wall, it has vesicles. They do not have the ability to produce their own food from inorganic components. The plant cell has plastids (chloroplasts), cell walls, large vacuoles. Fungal cells are organisms without chlorophyll, therefore they cannot photosynthesize. The reserve substances of the cytoplasm are not starch granules. As they are not able to synthesize their food, they have to obtain from other living organisms (they feed on other plant and animal residues contributing to decomposition) that is, they are heterotrophic. Fungal cells have a cell wall that is not present in animal cells and but plant cells have a cell wall. They have lysosomes and centrioles that the plant cell lacks but they are in animal cells. Animal cells, with a few exceptions, do not have vacuoles while plant cells do. The three types of cells have present nucleus, membrane, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi system.