a number of technical innovations, as well as cultural injections such as new musical instruments and foreign lending were introduced by the Hyksos to Egypt. new bronze-work and pottery methods, new animal types, and new crops were also changes introduced.
they introduced the horse and chariot, the composite bow, improved battle axes and advanced techniques of fortification in the war.
Philosophy tries to understand the reality in which we live in as well as our existence and what it means. Therefore, looking at it through as many perspectives as possible helps philosophers see the world through the eyes of different people whose experiences may affect the perspective drastically. These different data can be used and pieced together with their own philosophical ideas and views in order to come up with a new understanding of life.
Ethical issues are important in sociological research to protect the fairness and privacy of research participants.
Research ethics are very important in conducting sociological research. Those who take part in research as an active participants their feelings, trust should be maintained properly so that in future days none of the other participants feel hesitate to take active participation in research.
If participant get hurt or receive harm in terms physically or psychologically it would be very for worst for a fruitful research. Sociological research is mainly a qualitative research where people's interaction, their views, ideas are interpreted by researcher. So, the ethics played a vital role in research.