-3744.45 kW
The energy balance for a turbine is the following:

U = internal energy, P= pressure, v=volume, g= gravity, z= height, C= velocity, q= heat, W= power.
Since it is a well-insulated turbine q= 0.
In steady state m (mass flow) is constant.

is the specific volume and A = area.
There is no information about a change in height during the process so we can say that the term (gz) in the equation both in the inlet (e) and outlet (s) is zero.
In the inlet the velocity is negligible so
is zero.
Also, enthalpy (h) is:

Reorganizing the equation with this information we have

in kW
We can get the enthalpy from thermodynamic tables for the air with the conditions in the inlet and in outlet. These are:

Mass flow
The area is the area of the circle 

We can get the specific volume from thermodynamics tables for air at 100°C. We use this condition because we know the diameter and the velocity in the outlet. This value is
Mass flow is

So power is: