It can be done by staying focused, ignoring or avoiding distractions, etc.
Post school is a stage in life when a person lands up either in college or professional world. Post school social life needs to be managed wisely amidst social pressures.
Social pressure refers to the combination of pressures faced everyday by a person such as peer pressure, socioeconomic pressure, and academic pressure.
Some social routines that can be adapted post school to avoid social pressure affects on performances are:
1. Be goal oriented: By being goal oriented a person is able to stay focused to what he or she wants in life.
2. Avoid distractions: The second important thing is to avoid distractions from goal. After setting goal one needs to avoid distractions such as setting goal what our friends set.
3. Be confident: One needs to be confident that the goals set by him or her can be achieved regardless of what people around may say.
So, these are some points that can help to have less affect of social pressure on performances.