Business registrations
If you conduct a business, you may need to comply with tax obligations. These could require you to register for:
Australian business number (ABN)
goods and Services Tax (GST)
tax file number (TFN)
pay as you go (PAYG) withholding
Other optional registrations include:
Business name – if you want to trade under a particular name,you may need to register it.
Trade marks - if you want exclusive rights to a business name, you need to register a trade mark.
Website domains - if you set up a website, you need to register a domain name.
Fair trading
Fair trading laws ensure your business operates fairly and competitively. They also ensure that you inform and protect your customers.
To ensure your business meets fair trading regulations, you need to consider:
Fair trading laws
Australian Consumer Law and your business
Competition and Consumer Act
Australian standards
Codes of Conduct
This link has your answers
The will be first heard at a trial court.
The trial courts of a U.S. federal judiciary are the district courts. Every federal judicial district, each of which covers one U.S. state or, in certain cases, a portion of a state, has one district court. There is minimum one courthouse for every district court, but many districts have much more than one. Decisions of district courts may be appealed to a U.S. court of appeals again for relevant circuit.
District courts have jurisdiction over both civil and criminal issues and thus are court of law, justice, and admiralty. Federal district courts, in contrast to American state courts, have a narrower scope of jurisdiction and are only able to hear cases involving conflicts between citizens of different states, issues of federal law, and federal offences.
To know more about federal judiciary:
The supreme court of north coralina would be published in the west reporter of 19
First Amendment and Religion. The First Amendment has two provisions concerning religion: the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause. The Establishment clause prohibits the government from "establishing" a religion