I think it those
she's like to see the buetifulnes of the Flowers reason why she put display
colorblidness is carried on the X cromasome. since it is resessive it can be covered up. woman have 2 X cromasomes so both have to have it or she wont be color blind. men only have one X cromasome so its more likely that their just one X can have it
Commensalism is a symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits from the interaction and the other species is neither harmed nor helped. So the bird is being helped and the bison is being neither harmed nor helped.
P.S. Can you mark me Brainliest please?
- Translated from Portuguese language:
"The word atom has a Greek origin, meaning indivisible. Why was this term chosen to describe the particles that form matter? Is the atom really indivisible?".
- An atom is termed as the basic unit for generating or creation of the different complex structures, as they are characterized by the different shapes and properties due to position or alignment of the different number of atoms inside the given parameters or are of the object.
- It was a belief in the early times that atom is not divisible further in to small sub atomic parts, this concept was improved by the experiments of the cathode ray tube etc.
- However, the atom is comprised of the following subatomic particles which are as follows:
- The nucleus is comprised of the protons(positrons) and neutrons.
- While, the outer region or the cloud is comprised of the electrons inside the different shells and orbits.