In international trade, an exchange rate is a number that is used to show the value of one currency compared to another.
Cultural Influence & Economic Influence
Mai Ly's family is from Vietnam ao they hold asian culture so they decided to buy groceries from a local supermarket that provide asian cuisine. She can bear the gas and insurance cost so her economic stability influenced her to buy a car for her own.
1. Have you ever been bullied or harassed based off of one of your identities such as your race, sexual orientation, religion, or any other identity?
2. Did you ever seek help because you were being bullied and harassed?
3. Have you ever been slurred at, degraded, or verbally abused?
4. If comfortable sharing, have you ever suffered any sort of mental health issue as a result of the bullying and harassment you endured such as anxiety, depression, self-harm, etc;?
5. Have you ever been made to feel ashamed of one of your identities?
I hope this helps.
Answer: by putting restrictions that limit behaviours that may interfer with other people right or with even your own right
Restrictions or restrictive rules are put forward to monitor each right and make it fall in line with what is acceptable standard of behaviour for example every person has a right to drive at a particular age but still they have to follow road rules in order to be safe and limit their speed or any unacceptable behaviour on the road but also to ensure that others around them are safe.