Because scientists want proof and facts. Also the very thought that we are on floating plates is a strange thought, in fact the original idea was mocked.
It pollutes the air and can get people killed by cave in's.
inferential statistics
Inferential statistics analyzes a small group from a population and the results of this analysis is used the base to infer qualities of the entire population.
Here, only a group of 500 women are selected from the entire population of the country and from the 500 women selected only 155 responded. From this analysis the percentage of all the women in the age group that have regularly scheduled mammograms is inferred.
Drinking is considered part of college culture
Abnormal behavior is part of abnormal psychology. This person is diagnosed with behavior. Abnormal behavior is typically compared with normal behavior. In abnormal behavior, the person will behave in a manner that is not acceptable according to social norms and rules regulation. It is very difficult to define this behavior because it is very imprecise and vast. It varies according to culture.
If a particular behavior is not acceptable in one culture, it may be accepted in other cultures. For example, if drinking starts to interfere with the daily routine of a person and it affects the health, academic of a person, it will count in abnormal behavior. Thus in the above context, students who drink so much and interfere with their lives are called abnormal behavior.