Higher levels of education increase the chance an unemployed person will get paid more money and reduce the time required to find new employment.
Complete the first 7 chapters on the first day
the other 7 chapters on the second day
And Revise all the chapters on the third day
phonological awareness
Phonology is the study of linguistics that deals with how sounds are arranged in languages that are spoken and sign language.
A person who does not have the idea of the structure of sound in a language is phonologically unaware.
Phonological awareness is needed for reading ability. Only if a person knows the structure of the sounds in a language he/she can read and speak correctly.
Here, Cater has a deficiency of phonological awareness.
If people are unaware of the potential dangers of a disaster, they will be less prepared for it because they do not know about it. Thus, they will be affected more. Poverty affects individuals more because they will not be able to rebuild or recover as easily due to a lack of money or resources.
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