The correct answer is C:
btOK.setOnAction((ActionEvent e) -> System.out.println("Handle the event"));
The button produces an action once clicked. The setOnAction method indicates what will happen when the button is clicked. Action Event is a type of event that gets processed by EventHandler, which provides the action to be performed by clicking the button (printing out "Handle the event").
Superscript or Subscript
The superscript or the subscript is a type of character which is set a little lower or more than the normal line of type. And it is generally small as compared to the other texts. The subscript does appear at or less than the baseline, and the superscript is above. And for the superscript, you need to press the Ctrl + Shift + + ( press and at the same time also hold the Ctrl and the Shift, and finally press the +). And for the subscript, you need to press the Ctrl + Shift ++(Press and at the same time also hold the Ctrl. and finally press the =). And pressing the corresponding shortcut once again, you will be back to the normal text.
It is because many people want to be perfect just at the start, but there is always room to improvement, but people don't accept that, so they don't want to be better than what they are already, so the don't revise themselves or anything.