The whales tail which is called fluke are used for swimming and also used when they stick their tail out of the water into the air, swing it around, and the slap it on the water's surface.
The Littoral Zone
This would directly affect the epidermis because blisters will develop within the surface of the skin. Having blisters on the epidermis will decrease the function of the skin to be an effective barrier to disease. This is because blisters are open wounds that are prone to infection. As infection passes through these openings, it will affect the dermis and the other layers of the skin. Bullae is actually an auto-immune skin disease.
This question is not well placed. It should be " a relationship between two organisms in which both benefit is called".
The answer is SYMBIOSIS
Living organisms tend to interact with one another in their natural environment. This interaction are of different types depending on the effect on the involved organisms. One of those interactions is SYMBIOSIS. Symbiosis is a relationship between two organisms in which both of the organisms benefit from one another.
An example is the relationship between the "CATTLE AND EGRET". The cattle provides food for the egret when they feed on the insect parasites on their body while the egret helps the cow get rid of detrimental parasites.