Daily physical activity can include free play, games, sports, transportation (walking, cycling), recreation, and physical education. Vigorous-intensity activities make children sweat and feel “out of breath,” so that they can only speak a few words between breaths.
During inspiration, fresh air enters the respiratory system through the pared external nares (nostrils; shown here) and/or the oral cavity to the pharynx. Air then travels through the glottis into the trachea, through the bronchi and bronchioles to reach the alveoli.
<span>Here are some of the symptoms of food borne illness that should cause you to consult a doctor: 1. bloody diarrhea - in general, diarrhea is a sign that there is something wrong in your body, but if there is blood involved, you should definitely see a doctor. 2. abdominal pain - if you are experiencing severe pain in your stomach and abdomen, go see a doctor. 3. fever - if your temperature is high, stay hydrated and consult a doctor. 4. dehydration - just drink a lot of fluids, but also ask a doctor what you should do.</span>
I believe the answer is: Eat a well-balanced diet to increase energy and immunity
Even though physical activities improve both our energy and immunity in the long run, they are not as significant as maintaining well balanced diet in your life.
You need to make sure that you get your nutrients from various source of non-processed food in order to fulfill both your macronutrients and micronutrients.