I actually did the math for this a while ago. In order to install solar panels to every house in America it would cost a one time payment of about 900 billion dollars. We spend 700 billion on fossil fuels each year so in two years it would already pay itself off them we'd actually profit from it. Even if you don't believe in global warming you can't argue with that.
gravity that's what I rellat think it is
I think this is because math and chemistry go together and the math problems are science related.
I'm pretty sure all 4 are subatomic particles but if i had to guess i'd be Photons
En la teoría de la ciencia, la regularidad de los procesos en la naturaleza se denomina ley de la naturaleza. Las leyes naturales se diferencian de otras leyes en que los seres humanos no pueden ponerlas en vigor ni anularlas a su discreción. En tal sentido, la composición química del agua es indudablemente una ley natural, en tanto el hombre no puede modificarla sin modificar las características inherentes del agua como tal.