Work is done when spring is extended or compressed. Elastic potential energy is stored in the spring. Provided inelastic deformation has not happened, the work done is equal to the elastic potential energy stored.
Working of a Half wave rectifier
The diode is connected in series with the secondary of the transformer and the load resistance RL. The primary of the transformer is being connected to the ac supply mains. The ac voltage across the secondary winding changes polarities after every half cycle of the input wave.
By Snell's law we know that

here we know that

now from above equation we have

so it will refract by angle 39.3 degree
Here as we can see that image formed on the other side of lens
So it is a real and inverted image
Also we can see that size of image is lesser than the size of object here
Here we can use concave mirror to form same type of real and inverted image
As per the mirror formula we know that

so image will form at 30 cm from mirror
it is virtual image and smaller in size
Answer: the horizontal component of total momentum
Since the open cart is rolling to the left on the horizontal surface, the quantity that has the same value just before and just after the package lands in the cart is the horizontal component of total momentum.
Momentum, is the product of the mass of a particle and the velocity of the particle. The change of momentum depends on the force which acts on it. The addition of the the individual momenta is the total momentum.
So i believe is exercise:)