A. a form of gene
it can be either recessive or dominant
Golgi complex--This organelle packages proteins for transport out of a cell or for storage within the cell
Explanation The violence toward Malala discouraged her and made her weaker
The enzyme structure begins to break down
intermolecular bonds are broken
enzyme molecules gain kinetic energy.
Enzymes are proteins that play an important function in the body of catalyzing reactions in the body.
Enzymes work best at optimum temperature; low temperature lower than optimum temperatures deactivates them and higher temperature denatures them.
The shape of an enzyme depends on its temperature; when they get too warm they get loose, and at very low temperatures they get too tight. At optimum temperature or at the right temperature then they are just at the right shape and the chemical reactions they catalyze will be at optimal rate.
Family of Synthetic Elements
In chemical Sciences a synthetic element is a chemical element that does not occur naturally on Earth, and it can only be created artificially in the laboratory. So far, 24 synthetic elements have been created in the laboratory and their atomic numbers lie from 95–118.