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1. a.) The cookie is first ingested through the mouth, where salivary glands help moisten the food, making it easier to swallow.
b.) The bolus moves down a muscular passageway called the esophagus. Two special types of muscles help push the food down into the stomach.
c.) The stomach receives the food and releases stomach acid to help digest the food. Other specialized muscles called involuntary muscles (muscles that move without conscious control of your brain) shift the food around to cover it in stomach acid. When it is liquefied, it is called chyme. The chyme is passed on to the...
d.) Small intestine. This is another passageway that measures at least 30 feet long when stretched out. The chyme moves through all 30 feet and is digested even further by special enzymes fro the liver and pancreas. Small comb-like structures called villi absorb the nutrients from the chyme as it passes. Cells living inside the villi absorb the nutrients into the bloodstream.
e.) Final stop, the large intestine. Any remaining undigested material ends up here. Water is absorbed, and whatever is left exits the body as solid waste.
2. a.) Scotty is first absorbed through the nasal cavity during the process of inhalation. The lungs inflate due to the flexing of the diaphragm.
b.) He then passes through the pharynx, another cavity that connects the nasal cavity with the...
c.) Trachea. Also referred to as a windpipe, this is a tube that runs down your neck and into your chest. The trachea also holds the larynx, or voice box. Just below your collarbone, the trachea splits in half, dividing into the left and right lungs (the right lung is larger due to the placement of the heart.). These divisions are called bronchi. These divide into even smaller branches called bronchioles. These form an entore network within the lungs called the bronchial tree.
d.) Oxygen molecules absorbed from food (Scotty's siblings) are carried into the lungs by the pulmonary artery. They move across the alveolar membrane into the alveoli network. This network contains thousands of tiny sacs in which the molecules are exchanged. Carbon dioxide is also absorbed during the process, but is later expelled through exhalation or expiration. the diaphragm and lungs all return to their original shape and placement.
3. a.) The right atrium is located in the upper left hand corner of your heart. Deoxygenated blood is released into the right ventricle. It is first absorbed into the superior vena cava, a chamber slightly above the right atrium, and then released from the inferior vena cava.
b.) The deoxygenated blood is moved into the pulmonary valve, which closes right after, and into the pulmonary artery. The deoxygenated red blood cell is taken down to the lungs to be oxygenated. This cycles throughout the veins in your body and returns to the heart via the left atrium.
c.) The newly oxygenated blood is forced into the main artery of your body (aorta). The red blood cell is carried throughout the entire network of veins. It is transported to the smallest arteries, called capillaries. A process called diffusion occurs, and the oxygen and carbon dioxide is removed from the red blood cells to be redistributed to other parts of the body. Our red blood cell is now deoxygenated, and then is transported into the small veins called venules. The blood is carried into the main vein (vena cava). The blood cell is pumped back into the right atrium, where the whole process begins again.
4. Urine is first formed in the renal artery. These are part of a structure called the renal pyramid, located in your kidney. There are about a dozen renal pyramids in your body. The renal arteries collect urea. This waste is combined with water and stored in the urinary bladder until it is ready to leave the bladder through the urethra.
His appropriate daily calorie intake is approximately 1430 calories daily for weight loss.
his BMI indicates that he is overweight...
BMI or body mass index measures the body the body is fat via a height and weight ratio this index applies can be used for both adults, men and women. BMI categories include underweight- less than 18.5, normal ranging from 18.5 to 24.9; overweight ranging from 25 to 29.9 and obesity with a BMI of 30 or greater. However BMI does have limitations; it often overestimated figures for body fat and athletes and people with more muscular builds and also an under estimation of body fat in older persons on those experiencing muscle loss.

Waist circumference can give can paint a better picture of overall health factors which include high blood pressure, high calorie intake, high blood cholesterol, smoking, blood glucose and physical a lack of physical activity. With two or more of these risk factors coupled with a BMI within the 25 to 29.9 range, persons like John are recommended to lose weight. This may be achieved via calorie restriction, a balanced diet and regular exercise.
For adult males, the recommended intake of calories daily in order to lose up to 1 pound weekly is 2000 calories. 1 pound of fat requires a deficit of 3500 calories weekly. Since his energy needs are up to 1930 calories/day, a maximum deficit of 500 daily or 1430 ingested calories per day should aid in fat loss.
Learn more about energy storage at
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Carbon Bonding
The four covalent bonding positions of the carbon atom can give rise to a wide diversity of compounds with many functions, accounting for the importance of carbon in living things.
Carbon contains four electrons in its outer shell. Therefore, it can form four covalent bonds with other atoms or molecules. The simplest organic carbon molecule is methane (CH4), in which four hydrogen atoms bind to a carbon atom.
However, structures that are more complex are made using carbon. Any of the hydrogen atoms can be replaced with another carbon atom covalent bonded to the first carbon atom. In this way, long and branching chains of carbon compounds can be made . The carbon atoms may bond with atoms of other elements, such as nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus . The molecules may also form rings, which themselves can link with other rings . This diversity of molecular forms accounts for the diversity of functions of the biological macro molecules and is based to a large degree on the ability of carbon to form multiple bonds with itself and other atoms.