Spain Population of 47 million, Italy Population of 59 million,United Kingdom Population of 63 million, France population of 65 million, Germany population 81 million, Russia population of 144 million.
Dear cousine,
I have recently received your letter in which you were asking my experience about my new school. The name of my school is Bidhan Chandra Institute. It is a large Complex in the middle of a playground. The school timing is from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the morning. We have four periods and we remain busy in our studies except the races time. The teachers are very kind and helpful. Their teaching style is quite good and they are providing different stuff and exposure to study. I am experiencing new way of studying a subject . In past class we only achieved superficial knowledge, But now I have got more depth and width idea of going through any topic.
We also have got good faculties in the school. The library always remains open for the students. We can clear our doubts from the teachers anytime in the school. I have also made some new friends Simran is very close to me. However I am missing my old friends and past group. The memory will always remain fresh with me .
Please come to my city in vacation. We will have enough time to gossip about our past year experience. Convey my greetings to uncle and aunt.
Your lovingly cousin sister
Example Negi
At that time, cotton was considered as cash crops. Is the type of agricultural crop that generate high amount of income with very little investment /efforts. Many southern plantations sold the cottons to Other manufacturers in Europe since they need it as materials for textiles, outdoor equipment's, and beds.
This made a lot of plantation owners in the South had a need to obtain lands in order to open up new factories. A lot of lands near them at that time owned by Native Americans. So, the government forcefully removed the natives from the ancestral land and move them to reservation.