They making fortune by organizing gladiator battle which attract bidders and tourists.
started collecting tax
What structures are you talking about?
French naval victory brought the October 1781 surrender of the second British army lost in the American Revolution. ... On September 3, 1783,
an artisan's lien.
Rick agrees to customize Melissa's wedding ring. The cost is $10,000. After the job is complete, Melissa refuses to pay. As long as Rick retains possession of the ring, he may seek to recover the cost of the labor with <u>an artisan's lien</u>. This is the legal right of an artisan to withhold a good or piece of work from its owner until it has been paid for.
While Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution sets up the ability of the president to select the heads of the executive departments, it was President George Washington who established the “Cabinet” as his group of advisers who reported in private and solely to the U.S. chief executive officer.