The west Nile Virus is pathogen which caused the West Nile fever and encephalitis. The pathogen was introduced in 1999 in the Western Hemisphere and infected a major population in new york. It then expanded to 12 states and district of columbia. The major carrier of the pathogen was Avian and Mosquitoes species. In between 1999 to 2008, nearly 2500000 people were infected and nearly 1500 people died. Also there were thousands of cases of encephalitis or meningitis.
Usally biology or chemistry
1. Earth is 13 million years older than moon... Moon is 4.53 billion years ago and earth is 4.543 billion years ago.
Much younger than earth.
2.moon has small iron core or lacks sizable iron core.
3 galaxies not considered in solar system bcoz
solar system is the part of milky way galaxy..
4. Hydrogen and helium
5. Venus bcoz it is closest to Sun.