B. Bacteria can exchange genes for resistance to antibiotics in this way.
Even though conjugation requires cell-to-cell contact, it can occur between distantly related bacteria
Answered below.
The nerve fibres of the autonomic nervous system that connects the ganglia to the the central nervous system are called preganglionic fibres. They are divided into sympathetic preganglionic fibres and parasympathetic preganglionic fibres and both have acetylcholine as their neurotransmitter.
The sympathetic preganglionic is shorter compared to the parasympathetic preganglionic fibres. They originate from the hypothalamus and brainstem and project to the ganglia non the spinal cord. A ganglion is a cluster of nerves outside the central nervous system.
The preganglionic sympathetic fibres originating from T1-T2 innervate the cervical ganglion which innervates the muscles of the pupils (dilators).
The postganglionic fibres originating from the preganglionic fibres of T11-L3 passes through splenic, celiac and mesenteric ganglia to innervate the kidneys and renal vessels.
A control variable is a scientific experiment in which the experimental element is unchanged throughout the experiment
a control group is a group in an experiment that does not receive the treatment by the researchers (untouched by them) and used to see the changes between the controlled group and that of the group that received the vial
hope this helps