0.21 M
Molarity is the calculation of the solution in which the number of solute per liter of the solutions. It is the most common measurement unit that is used to measure the concentration of the solution.
The molarity is the unit that is used to measure or calculate the volume of the solvent. The amount of solvent is used in the chemical reaction.
The amount of the two solvent in the same quantity is measured by the formula called c1v1 and c2v2.
Alkanes are hydrocarbons that only contain single bonds in them. A carbon can bond with up to 4 atoms, even with another carbon atom. So, in a C-C bond, 3 more H atoms can bond to each of the C atom. Generally, the chemical formula for alkanes is CₓH₂ₓ₊₂. So for butane, there are 4 C atoms. The corresponding H atoms are 2(4) + 2 = 10. That's why it's chemical formula is C₄H₁₀.
The death is lower
im gonna get a warning watch