LeveneChargaffWatson and CrickNirenberg and Matthaei
Organ. An organ is a system of tissues that work together on a larger scale to do certain jobs within an animal's body. Examples of organs are the brain, heart and lungs. Anatomy is an example of a biology specialty concerned with this level.
Su cabeza es proporcionalmente mucho más grande.La cabeza de un recién nacido representa aproximadamente 1/4 parte de su masa corporal, mientras que la de un adulto entre 1/7 y 1/8 parte. b) La musculatura de un bebé es muchísimo más débil que la de un adulto, especialmente en la zona cervical.
(c)-All results for the experimental groups involving wing surgery would be invalid.
The study researcher shown in the above question noted that flies that underwent wing surgery were more attacked than those that received no wing treatment. However, the researcher does not show the study variables and, consequently, does not show any relationship between the variables and the research result. For this reason, we can state that based on this result, all results for experimental groups involving wing surgery would be invalid.
It transmits genetic information to the next generation