honestly ruined it but thats ok
A MD degree represents a higher post-graduate degree for specialty training. Only medical graduates with MBBS degrees are only eligible to pursue a MD degree. After successfully completing a 3 year study and the respective exam, both practical and theoretical; that a candidate would be conferred with the MD degree.M
DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension)
Due to ever increasing cases of hypertension in United States, DASH or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension was created. It aims at lowering blood pressure with dietary changes and without the use of medication.
It recommends to increase the quantity of vegetables, fruits, nuts and whole grains in diet. These are good sources of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It also recommends to reduce the salt or sodium, sugar and red meat content in diet. These ingredients are present in very high amounts in typical US diet and they are responsible for hypertension. By following DASH, systolic blood pressure can be reduced by eight to fourteen points over the course of time.
It can be linked to a lot of stress & can cause shadow emotions or over dramatic behavior