The viability and relevance of insurance products usually cater the preference of the insurance buyer.
For example, some buyer want to make sure that they have a safe retirement so they tend to lean towards good individual retirement policy.
Some buyer want to make sure that his/her family is taken care of if something happens to them, so they tend to seek the product with highest life coverance, etc.
10+? or down?
its an answer to your question... sorry
The answer is goal setting
Self concept is expressed in a companie's mission and it is the perception one has of his goals, characteristics, behaviours, and abilities.
It is a picture of what we think we are. In a business self-concept is important because it dictates the way we act and think on a daily basis.
When comparing mission statement of rival forms it is beneficial to try and get insights into their self-concept, so that strategies to compete with them can be formulated.