Progressives and “muckraker” writers attacked city corruption, corporate greed, poor living and working conditions, alcohol, and women's right to vote. Each of these ills saw laws and/or Amendments passed to attempt to better the condition.
Let's say that that Daniel has work on the same day his friends want to see a movie.If Daniel misses out on the movie the oppertunity cost will be missing out on the movie to go work.If Daniel skips work, the opportunity cost will be the wages lost from work.
obedience; creativity
Priming: In psychology, the term priming is defined as a phenomenon that involves a specific technique in which an individual's tendency to respond towards a subsequent stimulus is being influenced by the previous stimulus in the absence of any "conscious guidance". The concept of "priming best work by activating or developing a representation, connection, or association in an individual's memory before any other stimulus is being presented or introduced.
In the question above, the given statement signifies the "priming".
Stanford Prison.
This value was brought up to notice by Philip Zimbardo and some of his colleagues in the year 1973. They were interested in finding out whether the brutality reported among guards in American prisons was due to the sadistic personalities of the guards or had more to do with the prison environment.
Alternatively, prisoners and guards may behave in a hostile manner due to the rigid power structure of the social environment in prisons.
C. Johnson was found not guilty and continued to serve in office.
During the trial 35 senators voted guilty and 19 not guilty. This was not enough to fulfill the 2/3 majoirty guilty vote.