Hunting, growing food, taking care of animals, supply gathering.
without the help of each other, they wouldn't be able to do all of that stuff prepared for the seasons.
Well, because it'll be very difficult to tell apart one object from another when one perceives there is an overlap between the two.
Let's remeber what Helmholtz said about perception, that it some times results from the assumptions we make about the enviroment without even being truely aware of it.
In this case, the umpire will have a really hard time judging wether it was "foul ball" or a "home run", given that his emotional status may pull him toward one call or the other.
Thankfuly, there are video-recording repetitions in baseball now.
Cotton gin, machine for cleaning cotton of its seeds, invented in the United States by Eli Whitney in
In the question above, it is important to discuss with the elders or a responsible person if someone is having a mental disorder because with the prior knowledge about a specific disorder or problem the trusted person would help the sufferer by taking the person for treatment and if the treatment is being initiated at the early phase of a disorder then it would be highly effective in curing the disorder.
Mental disorder: In abnormal psychology, the term mental disorder or mental illness is described as a wide range of effected health conditions that generally affects an individual's thinking pattern, behavior, and mood.
Examples: Anxiety, mood disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders, etc.