Below, I believe are the multiple choices attached to this question
A. Power, Structural, and Technical Systems.
B. Construction.
C. Design/ Pre-Construction.
D. Maintenance/ Operations
The answer is A: Power, Structural, and Technical Systems.
The career pathways in the Architecture and Construction deal with all aspects of designing, planning, and maintaining all kinds of structures we live or work in. It is organized into 3 career pathways; Construction, Design/ PreConstruction, and Maintenance/ Operations. This field also covers the servicing of equipment such as plumbing, electrical wiring, escalators, and elevators.
The question is asking us to swap the values of xp and yp while not changing where they point to. Setting xp equal to yp would not work because then we couldn't change yp since the value for xp was overwritten. We can use a third variable to swap them.
int zp = xp;
xp = yp;
yp= zp;
Amount of light per unit area
I belive Nexus is not a Operating system, I am not a pro at knowing all of the operating system.