-Food products (no trans fats, partially hydrogenated oils, high-fructose corn syrup, dyes)-Foods with ingredients you cannot define-Completely ready-to-eat meals from poor-quality ingredients, preservatives-Same thing every day-Fruit products, including juices-Animal proteins exclusively as a way to avoid carbs (quality carbs are an essential part of any healthy nutritional plan)-More animal protein or fat to feel full-One color or colorless meals-Vegetables without color (e.g., iceberg lettuce, white potatoes)-Canned, dried, and processed conventional fruits and vegetables-Refined grains (flours, white bread, crackers, etc.) or flour-based carbohydrates at every meal-Wheat every time you want a grain-Chemicals-Nutrient-poor, high-calorie, or artificially sweetened beverages-Foods hidden beneath sauces of unknown origin
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) in Health Care is a structured organizational process that involves physicians and other personnel in planning and implementing ongoing proactive improvements in processes of care to provide quality health care outcomes
Physical: you are strong and/or active
Mental: you feel confident and happy
Emotional: *same as mental* You are more mentally stronger
Social: you become freinds with people who share your interests
The answer to that question would be a Mask and Glove.
Hope this helps.