A sense of self and a relationship with others.
Yuri Gagarin was the person to go on space.
Damages in tort
Damages are remedies that are monetary which are paid to a claimant to compensate for a loss or injury. To get the reward, the claimant must reveal that a foreseeable loss is caused by breach of duty. To be approved at law, the loss must be due to physical or mental injury or damage to property.
Damages are either classified as compensatory or punitive damages. Compensatory damages are also categorized into special damages and general damages. Special damages are property damage, loss of earnings and medical expenses, and general damages damages such as suffering and pain.
An annuity is a policy insurance where the investment guarantees with a rate of return and it is tax deferred also.
In the context, Y decides to invest the money that he received as inheritance instead of spending it. Thus Y should invest in single premium funding because the single premium would ensure a tax deferred interest in the future.