Monosaccharides are the simplest form of sugars found in innumerable common food items such as honey, cane sugar, fruits
Monosaccharides are divided into two groups depending on the presence of functional groups,if aldehyde group is present then it is known aldoses and if ketone group is present then it is known as ketoses
On the basis of carbon atoms they can be classified as: triose(3),tetrose(4),pentose(5),hexose(6) and so on
a. erythrose : tetrose ketose-It is not correctly paired because erythrose is a tetrose monosaccharide which has one aldehyde group hence is an aldose
b. dihydroxyacetone : triose ketose-It is correctly paired;it is an aldose-ketose pair
c. erythrulose : tetrose aldose-It is not correctly paired because erythrulose is a tetrose monosaccharide having ketone as functional group hence is a ketose
d. fructose : hexose ketose-it is correctly paired;It is an anomer because in D-fructose carbonyl group is at C-2 hence C-2 is the anomeric carbon
e. ribose : hexose aldose-it is not correctly paired because ribose is an aldo pentose not hexose;ribose is an aldo-ketose pair
f. glyceraldehyde : triose aldose-it is correctly paired;an aldo group
0.092. Unlike rounding numbers, you count significant figures starting from the left, ignoring any zeros
When RNA is transcribed from DNA ( Transcription) and leaves the nucleus, it is called mRNA. This message is “read” by ribosomes in groups of three nucleotides, called a codons
A) Blood pressure measures pressure on the arteries and can be an indicator of an unhealthy cardiovascular system.
Blood pressure is the amount of pressure that the blood puts on the arteries as it flows through them.