Doings a heard job or being your self after a long day
Most of the team PLAYS well.
A team is plural, not singular. If we were talking about one singular teammate, he would PLAY well, but since we are talking about more than one person, we throw that "s" on there!
He avenges Caesar and killed himself by running into his own sword.
After having learned of the death of his allies, Cassius and Titinius, Brutus attempt one last time to battle the Romans commanded by Antony and Octavius but lost.
During the battle he saw the ghost of Caesar and believed that it was his time to die, so he asked to one of his men to hold his sword while he runs against it to kill himself. He impaled himself and declared that Caesar should himself avenged.
I hope this answer helps you.
The first sentence is correct and the second sentence is a fragment.
according to my research author wanted that a nation 's valuable and most precious thing is their culture and archaeological treasure protect it until you die