2. "The faster I gain weight, the faster I will return to school."
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which the person dangerously restricts their food intake. They develop a body image issue and feel that they are overweight even when they can have a perfectly normal weight. They starve themselves which eventually harms the body in the long run.
A person recovering from anorexia nervosa should gain weight slowly. If they suddenly start to consume a lot of food, the body will be put under lot of stress. It is already recovering from starvation and the organs have become weak due to it. If suddenly too much food is consumed, it will have to work extra hard to digest and assimilate it. This can put lot of pressure and shock on heart, liver, stomach etc. Thus, it is recommended not to gain more than 2 lbs or 1kg in a week.
Hence, "The faster I gain weight, the faster I will return to school" statement by client is incorrect and they require further teaching.
Self-reevaluation: requires a thoughtful reappraisal of your problem, including an assessment of the person you might be once you have changed the behavior?
The interview was conducted with two groups of parents. Group 1 had a 12-year-old daughter, while group 2 had a 22-year-old daughter. The parents showed very different positions regarding care and the authority in which they impose on the two girls.
Group 1, proved more rigid, with some signs of authoritarianism and took a position where it is possible that they wish to "control" the reality that their daughter lives. Knowing who her friends are, the places she goes to, imposing times that she is allowed to go out and times that she must be at home. Imposing activities for her to make and monitoring all the decisions she makes.
Group 2, on the other hand, proved to be more liberal and less invasive, allowing the daughter to take charge of her own life and interfering only when she asks for their help.
I believe that these behavioral differences between the two groups, in relation to daughters, are due to the girls' age. The daughter of group 1 is younger, a child and therefore it is correct that she is monitored more rigidly, since a child is unable and must not do everything he wants. In this way, parents impose strong limits on her as a form of protection. Parents stand as the authority.
Group 2 presents another form of protection. Since their daughter is an adult, they know that she must have the discernment to protect herself, but she should ask for help when she thinks she can't do it alone. Since her parents have always been companions, she knows she can count on them.
B. Overload. ype of exercise is related to the <u>Overload </u>exercise principle