If you have a calculator with statistical functions, that's the way to go.
On my TI-83, I typed in invNorm(0.88) and got the result z = 1.17.
88% of the area under the normal curve is to the left of z = 1.17.
Step-by-step explanation:
Remember, that because you paid $2,175 up front (down payment), you can borrow $2,175 less from the bank to purchase the car. So first step: Take new car price of $19,725.00 and multiply it by the sales tax percentage ($19,725 * 0.0475) to get $936.94 of tax.
Step-by-step explanation:
this is due to when 286 is divided by 61 it gets 40 and the remainder gets you 7 as a result it is 47
Because angleCBD+angleBDC+angleC=180
so angleCBD+angleBDC=180-angleC=180-82=98
because BC=DC
so angleCBD=angleBDC
so 2 angleCDB=98
so angleCDB=49
so y=29
by Joy Xu,紫馨雪汐
B. 90 + 90 √2
Step-by-step explanation:
From first base to the second base, it will travel 90 feet.
From the second base to the home plate, it will travel a longer distance. How much? Well, if you look at the layout of the field, you'll see that if you draw a line from second base to the home plate, you'll form two rectangular triangles, one with the 1st base, another one with the 3rd base.
The line from the 2nd base to home plate is the hypotenuse, which we can easily find by:
h²=90² + 90²
h = √(2 * 90²)
h = 90 √2
So, from second base to home plate, the ball has traveled 90 √2
Overall: 90 + 90 √2