The two forms interbreed and their offspring survive and reproduce well.
When talking about classification of species, one of the first features observed is the species fitness, which describes the reproductive success or their ability to leave to their successive generations the most copies of their genotype. When different species that were recently divided into 2, by geographic isolation, for instance, usually there is no genetic compatibility, and if its possible to produce offspring, there might be some development issues like infertility.
When the bread and butter is in mouth, mechanical digestion starts. The size of the food gets reduced and it mixes with saliva for easy swallowing. The salivary amylase in saliva begins the digestion of starch in the bread. This is the start of chemical digestion. When the undigested bread and butter reached the stomach, lower esophageal sphincter relaxes and allow the chewed food to enter. The gastric secretions containing HCl, acts on the undigested food to produce chime. HCl kill the microorganism on the food and also denatures the protein and later attacked by digestive enzyme pepsin. Pepsin breakdown protein in the bread, butter . Later on gastric lipase begins to digest fat present in butter. Digestion of the starch in bread does not occur in the stomach because the salivary amylase that began chemical digestion in mouth became inactive in the presence of HCl. Further the chime enters the small intestine where bile secreted by the gall bladder emulsifies the fat and break into small globule which helps in fat absorption.
Landslides occur under the effect of gravity. When a mass of rock or earth slides down from a mountain or from a cliff then this phenomenon is termed as Landslide.
Landslides are considered to be a rapid method of erosion. Wind, waves, running water, glaciers and gravity are the five agents of erosion out of which the gravity influences the process of Landslides.
Landslides occur suddenly and are dangerous example of the movement of earth materials under the influence of gravity. When weathered material falls away from a cliff, it slides down under the effect of gravity and finally after reaching the hill, the material gets deposited there. This is called Deposition by landslides.
His discoveries on the islands were paramount to the development of his Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection.
On the islands, Charles Darwin discovered several species of finches.
Thanks to his close observations, he discovered that the different species of finches varied from island to island.
Here is what all 3 symbiotic relationships are: Parasitism is where one organism is benefited and the other is harmed. Commensalism one organism is benefited and the other one is not helped or harmed. Mutualism is were both organisms are benefited or both help each other. Easy ways to remember symbiotic relationships :)