A sterile area is maintained by having only sterile items touch other sterile items. ... Sterile fields are areas that are set up for procedures are made sure to be free of microorganisms. Usually, a tray covered with a small towel. The tray contains equipment and supplies for the procedure.
The nurse should respond by telling the teacher that something is seriously wrong with the child and to possibly call the child's parents to have her checked out by a doctor.
Hypertrophy is an enlargement in our organ tissue that is caused by an increase in the size of its cells.
When we engage in bodyweight or weight exercise, our muscle fiber will experience some sort of damage/trauma. This will trigger a response within our body in order to fix that damage by releasing growth factor, cortisol, and testosterone. During this process, satellite cells will multiply and migrate tot he damaged muscle tissue. This is what caused an increase in size.
Im pretty sure its true..tell me if im wrong