3 is the correct answer. Let me know if you want me to explain why that is the answer.
the process of metabolism works to make it possible, when its seems liie being impossible.. so?
What part of the cell are you looking at?
Kidney disorder is responsible for the disturbance occur in the balance of the body because kidney release certain harmones which are necessary for normal growth.
Explanation: There are three harmones releases by kidney i. e. erythropoietin, calcitriol, and renin. Erythropoietin is released by kidney when oxygen level is low in the tissue. It also controls the production of red blood cells. Calcitriol harmone controls the concentration of phosphorous and calcium in the blood. Renin is responsible for the increase in blood pressure when it is needed. So if the disorder of kidney occurs, imbalance occurs in the body.
RNA consists a ribose sugar while DNA consists deoxyribose sugar. Cellulose and lactose are not the components of DNA of RNA. Uracil is a nitrogenous base that is present in the structure of RNA.
Other than sugar, these molecule consist of nitrogenous base and a phosphate group.