a tilte
since the excerpt is about deforestation and its at the top
Answer:Her frame of reference
A frame of reference refers to the ideas or beliefs that we use as a base of our judgement.Melissa had a disastrous first presentation at college and because of that one presentation she is making judgement of her future presentation based on that one fact. This has affected her overall look at her own capabilities.
False, you can develop an interpersonal skill.
1.improving nonverbal communication
2.understand the importance of nonverbal communication
3.learn comfortable body language
recognize cultural Norma
5.understand how gender differences influence nonverbal communication
6.regulate your emotional cues
7.set goals
8.use efficient communication
9.give others the chance to speak
10.know what makes good communication
11.find common ground
12.dont presume of assume things
<span>13.dont</span> force a conversation
Alexander Hamilton sat on the committee that wrote the new constitution, but he did not play a large role in the actual writing of the constitution. He did, however, play a large role in the development of the new constitution. The committee that was tasked with developing the new constitution was made up of representatives from the thirteen states that made up the United States of America. The Articles of Confederation was not an effective means of governing the USA. The different states did not agree on the issues of justice and finance.