It's Islam I just looked it up I promise u it's right
A) species, cause if you’re a alien or human you’re still 1 species
La Ilustración fue un importante movimiento espiritual, ambientado a finales del siglo XVII y principios del XVIII. Este movimiento se observó primero en Inglaterra, luego en Francia y más tarde en otros países europeos y más allá, mientras preparaba el terreno para la Revolución Francesa. La Ilustración defendió la racionalidad y la fe en el progreso, pidiendo cambios en todos los aspectos de la actividad humana, en las instituciones sociopolíticas, la economía, la educación y la religión. Los pensadores ilustrados hablaron a favor de la libertad individual y en contra del dominio tiránico y la opresión de la Iglesia Católica Romana.
A force exists that we knew nothing about that causes the acceleration.
In 1998, scientists observed from distances of supernovae in remote galaxies that the enlargement of the universe is accelerating. Besides, there is evidence that suggests that the universe is flat and infinite, as well as accelerating in its expansion. In that respect, the force suspected to be responsible for this is called dark energy.
<span>The first large silver coins were minted in 1690 after the Polish coin isolette or zolota which was imported in large quantities by Dutch merchants during the seventeenth century. These coins were about one third smaller than the Dutch thalers.[1]</span> Their weight was fixed in standard dirhams (3,20 grams) and they contained 60 percent silver and 40 percent copper. The largest of these weighed 6 dirhams, or approximately 19.2 grams. Later, in 1703, an even larger coin weighing approximately 8 dirhams, or 25-26 grams and its fractions were also minted. <span>It appears that the first large coin of 1690 was intended as a zolota or cedid (new) zolota to distinguish it from the popular Polish coin and not as a gurush or piaster.[2]</span> Only after larger silver coins began to be minted in the early decades of the eighteenth century, was the new monetary scale clearly established. The new Ottoman gurush was then fixed at 120 akches or 40 paras. The early gurushes weighed six and a quarter dirhams (20.0 grams) and contained close to 60 percent silver. The zolotas were valued at three fourths of the gurush or at 90 akches. <span>The fractions of both the gurush and zolota were then minted accordingly.[3]</span> Due to wars and continuing political turmoil, however, many coins were minted with sub-standard silver content until the monetary reform of 1715-16. The appearance of sub-standard coinage attracted large numbers of counterfeiters until the 1720s.