Primary Audience/Influence on Language Choices – List specific words/phrases that seem to be specifically designed to resonate with this particular audience.Secondary Audience/Influence on Language Choices (when appropriate – there is not always a secondary audience). List specific words/phrases that seem to be specifically designed to resonate with this particular audience.
Atticus says that Bob Ewell must be crazy to attack Jem and scout, it is the only explanation he could think of that will justify a man to attack innocent children.
Heck Tate disagrees and says Bob Ewell was just mean and had enough liquor in him to make him brave enough to attack children, implying that he was a coward.
Of the two, Heck Tate's explanation is the most correct and the one that aligns with how I feel about Bob Ewell.
Atticus cannot understand what could possibly make a man want to kill children unless the man is mad, so he says Bob Ewell was crazy.
Heck Tate however, assures him that Bob Ewell was not crazy but just "mean as hell" and a coward on top of that, so his attack on the children was inevitable.
Heck Tate's explanation is the correct one.
Mccain's essay was very exaggerating to me and managed to extend my concept of patriotism, thus leaving the concept more complete and efficient. Before reading the essay, I believed that patriotism is related exclusively to the feeling of love for the country, within that feeling it was not correct to criticize and not support certain elements, but just to love the country unconditionally. MacCain's essay showed me that criticism of the country is part of patriotism, because it is through criticism that we recognize the defects that our society has and that need to be changed. This is able to motivate us to fight for a better country. Striving for improvement represents love for the country and that represents patrotism.
ok here are the answers for 1 and 2
1 smooth, ease, relieve, calm, soften and lessen
2 the letter assuaged the fears of most members
3 i cant really see it