<em>If Your not sane (sanity) Then your more or likely Insane (insanity)</em>
<em>The definition of sanity is: the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner; sound mental health.</em>
<em>The definition of Insanity is the complete opposite: the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness Or, extreme foolishness or irrationality.</em>
<em>In Between is usually more lean to insanity, but most times its one or the other, your sane or your not. </em>
what- anyways, bleach? hydrogen peroxide? baking soda? should I be concerned...
Hello there!
It would be B. Second degree.
Hope This Helps You!
Good Luck :)
Split the cast
Cast is too tight....maybe applied that way or due to swelling or other injury.
Most of the flowering plants are pollinated by the insects and flies. These flies and insects are attracted to them because of their colorful petals or good smell.
But Skunk Cabbage has no colorful petals nor do they smell good like other flowering plants. They emit an odor of the rotten flesh to attract flies mostly carrion flies but also mosquitoes and bees etc.
The stamen and style grow out to be pollinated with other pollen attached to the carrion flies.