untere Tabelle gibt an, wie Oberfläche und Volumen der Pyramide berechnet werden. Grundsätzlich gilt:
Oberfläche = Grundfläche + Mantelfläche
Volumen = Grundfläche · Pyramidenhöhe : 3
Generell ist darauf zu achten, dass mit unterschiedlichen Höhenangaben gerechnet wird. Für die Berechnung der Oberfläche wird die Höhe der schrägliegenden Seitendreiecke benötigt (Grafik unten: ha; hb). Für die Berechnung des Volumens wird die Höhe der Pyramide benutzt (Grafik unten: h).
JSXGraph v0.95 Copyright (C) see
ha = 5.83 cm
h = 5.00 cm
a = 6.00 cm
b = 6.01 cm
hb = 5.83 cm
V = 60.10 cm³
Ap = 106.11 cm²
AM = 70.05 cm²
AG = 36.06 cm²
– o + ← ↓ ↑ →
rechteckige Grundflächequadratische GrundflächeOberfläche = Grundfläche + Mantelfläche
OP = AG + AMOP = a · b + a · ha + b · hbOP = a² + a · ha · 2 Volumen = Grundfläche · h : 3
VP = AG · h : 3
VP = a · b · h : 3VP = a² · h : 3
Step-by-step explanation:
Your answer will be -2+2+4= 4
so it will be 4,0
The minimum number of different tanks needed to safely house all the fish is:
Step-by-step explanation:
To identify the minimum number of different tanks, we're gonna concentrate in a fish species, in this case can be the A: as you see in the table, the A species can live with all the fish excepting the F and G, by their side, the F and G can't live together , by this reason, this three species must live in a different tank, in the next form:
- Tank 1: <em>A</em>
- Tank 2: <em>F</em>
- Tank 3: <em>G</em>
Now the B species, it can live with A, F and G, but for this example we can put in the tank 1 (the tank of the A species). The C especies can live with A, F and G, but how we have A and B together, we're gonna put the C especies in the tank 3 (the tank of the G especies). The D species can live with A and G, we're gonna put in the tank 1 because can live with B species too. The E species can live with A and F, we're gonna put in the tank 2 (the tank of the F species) because the E species can't live with D that is in the in the tank 1. Al last, the H species just can live with A, E, F, and H species, by this reason, the only tank that can be put is the tank 2. In this form, the order is the next:
- Tank 1: <em>A, B, D</em>.
- Tank 2: <em>F, E, H</em>.
- Tank 3: <em>G, C</em>.
And t<u>he owner of the pet store must buy three different tanks to display these tropical fish</u>.
Answer: $600
Step-by-step explanation:
Anual makes
an hour
For 48 hours, he makes

Thus, he will make $600 for 48 hours
Step-by-step explanation:
got it right on EGDE 2020