honey (PURE honey) doesn't go bad though
ODD vs Conduct Disorder
Both are Disruptive Behavior Disorders.
- they can be comorbid with other mental health disorders
- it is possible for children to develop both
- both can be treated by mental health professionals
- both are results of psychological, environmental, and genetic factors.
Conduct Disorder - a group of repetitive and persistent behavioral and emotional problems in children. Children with this disorder have great difficulty following rules, respecting the rights of others, showing empathy, and behaving in a socially acceptable way.
Symptoms include aggressive displays toward other children, adults, and animals, destroying other people’s property, stealing and lying.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder - children exhibit behaviors marked by defiant and disobedient behavior to authority figures; including irritable mood, argumentative and defiant behavior, aggression, and vindictiveness, an overall negative or agitated mood, a quarrelsome attitude or being vengeful for at least six months.
Tunnel vision is the loss of peripheral vision, or edges of your sight. They call it "tunnel vision" because it looks like you are looking through a tunnel, as you have no peripheral vision.
A) weight
Someone's weight is not a risk factor for alcoholism because it does not directly make them want to consume alcohol. Weight gain, however, is an effect of alcoholism.
B) Studies have shown your genetics can influence alcoholism.
C) If someone is in a social environment where many people use alcohol or pressure them to, they are more likely to.
D) Consuming alcohol is risky behaviour (it can be very dangerous), and risky people do risky things.