The most difficult task confronting many Southerners during Reconstruction was devising a new system of labor to replace the shattered world of slavery. The economic lives of planters, former slaves, and nonslaveholding whites, were transformed after the Civil War.
The Capitol is where Congress meets to write the laws of our nation, and where presidents are inaugurated and deliver their annual State of the Union messages.
What sign is a good match for Leo?
When it comes to romantic compatibility, Leo's best matches are the air signs, Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius, which is Leo's opposite sign. With the other fire signs, there's passion, but the energy they generate together can cause power struggles and dominance games that may be too much to handle.
(brainly please <3)
Short answer C
A is wrong. The oil producing countries in the middle east do not have a manufacturing base.
B is also wrong. Saudi Arabia is the largest exporter of oil. There is no need for them to import any oil at all. They produce a very clean low content sulfur type of oil.
C is the answer <<<<< answer
Mental illnesses of short duration are generally considered to be "acute".
In medicine, portraying a sickness as acute signifies that it is of brief term and, as a result of that, of recent beginning. The quantitation of how much time comprises "short" and "recent" shifts by infection and by setting of the disease, however the main meaning of "acute" is in every case subjectively in opposition with "chronic", which indicates an old and long sickness.