This is defined as a degree of harmony one maintains as he produces same result or carry out same action over a long period of time without wavering.
A consistent person decides to stay on a course of action and stays on it for a long time.
Inconsistency is when one fails to maintan such harmony in staying on a result or course of action for long.
Misha having struggles with het computer at home, if she replicates same action with the computers in school it will be said to be a consistent behaviour.
Another of such example is when one decided to work out by 7pm every night.
But one thing to keep in mind when a women is pulled over buy a male police officer they have to call for a women police officer to search her, it is against the law for a male cop to search a female
I believe the answer is: resource room
in School setting, resource room refers to a room separated from classess that is used solely for the purpose of remeditation for students who fail to meet a certain standard in regular class. usually, students would be given homeworks or other assignments as a chance to fix their score.
Henry Hudson explored looked for a way to go west
This term we will be considering the rise of the individual. It is argued that processes of modernity have atomised societies and given rise to the dawn of individualism. As the concept of community increasingly crumbles in the modern imagination the significance of the self is heightened.