Industrial weapons contributed to staggering casualties and the western front was forced to use trench warfare. In order to prevent a two-front war, General Alfred von Schlieffen drew up a master plan calling for an all-out attack against France.
I'm nots sure what the question is asking but I'm going on a limb and say that that's the twitter logo.
The Twitter logo is a blue bird
The four characteristics of a state in the United States are territory, population, government, and sovereignty.
1. Corresponding Author: Dr. Rifat Nawreen Islam Assistant Professor
Depertment of Forensic Medicine
Medical College for Woman and Hospital, Uttara, Dhaka
2. Dr. Noor-E-Tabassum
Associate Professor
Depertment of Pharmacology
Medical College for Woman and Hospital, Uttara, Dhaka
3. Dr. A K M Safiuzzaman MBBS MCPS Lecturer, Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka
4. Professor Md. Monowarul Islam Sarker MBBS MCPS Professor & Head of Forensic Medicine Department Medical College for Women, Uttara, Dhaka
Wear goggles
wash your hands
follow directions
don't fool around
Someone keeps deleting my answer to this!