19. B - mitochondria
20. D - vegetative structure
21. C - inducing a mutation
22. A - phosphates
23. C - fungi
24. A - provides support
25. C - sponges
26. B - opposite charges
27. D - asexual reproduction
28. not sure about this one sorry
29. D - all of the above
30. A - prevents ions and large molecules from passing through the membrane
The correct answer is: B) As land plants became more complex, animal life did as well.
This is because land could not be colonized by other organisms such as animals until land plants became established-there was nothing for animals to feed on.
So, plants were one of the earliest organisms to leave the water and colonize land.
Because the Earth rotates on its axis, circulating air is deflected toward the right in the Northern Hemisphere and toward the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This deflection is called the Coriolis effect. Click the image for a larger view. Coastal currents are affected by local winds.
Upwelling is the process that brings deeper water to the surface, and its major significance is that it brings nutrient -rich deep water to the nutrient-deprived surface, stimulating primary production
Water sample showing pink/purple color is an error.
Biuret is a blue color reagent that changes its color to pink/purple whenever it detects protein in a sample. Water don't contain proteins so it should not show pink/purple color instead it should maintain the blue color. Food items generally contain proteins so it show pink/purple color but it showed blue color.
Error might have caused by wrong marking of the samples, test tube marked with Water might contain a mystery food while Mystery food tube might contain water.