"I am pleased to announce that a deal has been struck," Mr. Trump tweeted, saying there will be no "poison pills" added to follow-up legislation. "This was a real compromise in order to give another big victory to our Great Military and Vets!"
The agreement is on a broad outline for $1.37 trillion in agency spending next year and slightly more in fiscal 2021. It would mean a win for lawmakers eager to return Washington to a more predictable path amid political turmoil and polarization, defense hawks determined to cement big military increases, and Democrats seeking to protect domestic programs.
Lawmakers in Washington have negotiated a new federal spending deal, marking the first step toward avoiding a potential federal default on debt.
A and B, they pillaged and traded with other countries throughout the course of history, and in order to do this they needed to travel by water given that trees were readily available to make boats. This helped them survive throughout history.
Rough Riders
The Rough Riders were the troops under Theodore Roosevelt's command.
The Rough Riders were a volunteer cavalry unit. The unit was made of athletes and cowboys as well as general adventurers. Theodore Roosevelt was put in charge of this group of untrained men who were willing to fight. They were most used in the Spanish American War to take the island of Cuba. The men were recruited from the Southwest and because they were athletic and training in shooting and riding a horse they were useful in the war with little investment from the government.
Amid the Age of Investigation, Europeans associated the world into a single navigational framework, activating an period of majestic competition as European states extended over the globe through exchange, colonisation and coercion.
May I please have brainliest and have a wonderful day
The townspeople threw objects at the soldiers.
Boston townspeople began to throw sticks, stone and snowball at the British troops who stationed in the city in 1770. The throwing of stick and stone towards the British soldiers led to the shooting at the colonists which led to the Boston Massacre. The Boston Massacre also created hostility among the Colonists towards Britishers and brought a cry for patriotism.